4 Ways Unresolved Trauma Is Showing Up in Your Morning Routine, According to a Trauma Specialist

Trauma can show up in our lives in many different ways, such as tension in the hips or other parts of the body or increased motivation (aka trauma drive). It can also appear in our morning routine as various behaviors and patterns that can be connected to unresolved trauma, even if we don’t realize it. While trauma canContinue reading “4 Ways Unresolved Trauma Is Showing Up in Your Morning Routine, According to a Trauma Specialist”

Repressed Depression (Emotions)

Repressed emotions refer to emotions that you unconsciously avoid. These differ from suppressed emotions, which are feelings you purposely avoid because you don’t know exactly how to deal with them.  Say you and your partner have a fight and decide to break up one evening. You still have to meet with an important client at work the next day,Continue reading “Repressed Depression (Emotions)”

One Size Does Not Fit All…

I walk into 530 First Avenue towards the outpatient lab. I give the woman at the front desk my first name and last initial. A few minutes later, she calls my name to confirm my address, doctor’s name and what I’m there for. I sit in the waiting room filled with people of all agesContinue reading “One Size Does Not Fit All…”

Maintaining a Good Attitude in Hard Times By Lacey Michaels

If you think that maintaining a good attitude is part of living a happy life, you are partially right. The attitude that you reflect is important to your overall health for a number of reasons, and regardless of the hard times that may arise, maintaining a good attitude can help you make it through inContinue reading “Maintaining a Good Attitude in Hard Times By Lacey Michaels”

When Things are Beyond Your Control

There are moments in our lives where circumstances are beyond our control. We have no ability to DO anything to alter the way things are. These are some of the most powerless and painful times of our lives. We feel trapped in an intolerable situation, helpless and desperate. Our situation seems unsolvable but unbearable. OneContinue reading “When Things are Beyond Your Control”

Let Go Of Depression And Welcome Joy Back Into Your Life

Even long term depression can be overcome and it’s the most rewarding work you’ll ever do! Depression is more than a Blue Day, sadness, or even a broken heart, although it happens because of such things and feels a lot like the blues. If you’ve ever had a real depression, you know what I mean.Continue reading “Let Go Of Depression And Welcome Joy Back Into Your Life”

Remaining Positive When Facing a Chronic Illness

A diagnosis of chronic illness can bring with it feelings of denial, anger and grief. But, at some point, the emotions subside and you are faced with a harsh reality—you are no longer the person you once were. Chronic illness has robbed you from your sense of identity and purpose. Do you even stand aContinue reading “Remaining Positive When Facing a Chronic Illness”

Why Can’t I Just Leave?

So many people beat themselves up over the question “Why can’t I just leave?” You want the easy answer? You aren’t ready to leave yet. You haven’t been convinced that the abuse warrants you leaving, or you lack financial resources, or you’re in business with your abuser, or the kids are too small, or theContinue reading “Why Can’t I Just Leave?”

5 Ways to Commit to Your Happiness & Create a Better Life

If you understand the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking, then you are probably fairly aware that your happiness is very important.  When you are happy you are in the process of drawing more good things into your life!  So, in this article, I’ll share some ideas on how to commit toContinue reading “5 Ways to Commit to Your Happiness & Create a Better Life”

A Perspective on Suicide

Before you read this post, I want to make it very clear that suicide is NOT the answer. Your life is precious.  If you are struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, PLEASE SEEK HELP!   This post was in no way meant to glorify suicide or offer it as a viable solution to any problem.Continue reading “A Perspective on Suicide”